Campaign Calls on Causey to finally stand up to Obama and join Crawford’s opposition
Jonesboro- Congressional candidate and decorated army veteran Rick Crawford today chastised the Obama administration for failing to focus on creating jobs and stabilizing the failing economy, but having the time to weigh in on the wrong side of the proposed mosque at ground zero.
“It’s sad that the president isn’t working to create jobs and build back our economy, but instead is taking the time to weigh in on an issue that is extremely hurtful to thousands of still grieving families by becoming a proponent of building a mosque at the site where their family members died. It’s a shame and I wish the President would show more respect for our fallen countrymen”.
The proposed Mosque is has been a hotly debated issue for months and last week President Obama voiced his support for allowing it to be built just blocks from where thousands of Americans perished at the hands of Islamic extremists on September 11th 2001.
The Crawford campaign also called on Democrat Chad Causey to repudiate Obama’s stand on the building of the mosque at the site of one of Americas greatest tragedies; “It’s time for Chad Causey to stand with America instead of the Obama-Pelosi administration. We are asking him to repudiate the sad choice by his leadership to support an extremist group over the families of the Americans that died. He needs to take this opportunity to let the people of Arkansas know where he stands on this issue, is it with the Washington Liberals or those who believe this action by the president is in poor taste?” said Crawford Campaign Manager Jonah Shumate.