What it will take to get our economy back
A major concern of my campaign is for people of the First District to have jobs that pay well. Right now, people are concerned about losing jobs, finding jobs, knowing whether the paycheck will continue. American business is under heavy assault.
It puzzles me why the Obama Administration, along with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, attack businesses mercilessly. They do this in both rhetoric and legislation, ignoring the fact that we need businesses to be in business so people across the country can work to support their families.
I believe Washington wants the greatest possible number of people to be dependent on government support. I do not believe most Americans share that vision. In fact, I think the large majority of Americans want to support themselves and their families. I believe the majority want the Federal government out of their back pockets.
If elected, I will work with other legislators to enact some simple measures that will spur economic growth and promote jobs that pay well. At the same time these jobs will not cost taxpayers a single dime.
- King Dollar: We must enact fiscal policy that keeps our dollar strong. This means more than just keeping the American Dollar atop the list of reserve currencies. It would mean that our currency, and economy, are strong and the value of the investment of foreign countries will pay off and help to keep our economy growing and thriving.
- Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR): For future generations to enjoy an America that has a sound underpinning financially, we have to put the brakes on federal spending. No family in America can afford to spend more money than it has. The same goes for any successful business. The Federal Government should also spend no more than it collects. With a Taxpayer Bill of Rights, I would work to limit federal spending growth to the percentage in population growth plus the rate of inflation. I would also work to provide taxpayers the option of filing a post-card sized return using a low, flat tax rate of 15%.
- Empower American Businesses: In a time of economic strife, a company looks to cut costs in order to maintain profitability and in most cases, to preserve employment. But, in the current economic environment overhead has to be cut just to keep the doors open. Something that would almost instantly cut costs for businesses is to cut their tax burden. I would work with other legislators to slash corporate tax rates to 15% and eliminate the capital gains tax altogether. Doing so would mean companies would have more money to hire again. More jobs would be created, more people would be employed. Eliminating the capital gains tax would also help drive business investment by allowing people and companies both to realize income they earned and keep it out of the hands of the federal government. Currently under President Obama’s budget announced earlier this year, he is calling for the capital gains tax to increase to 20%.
The fallacy in Washington is that somehow the economy, and the profits realized, belongs to Washington and its spending priorities. In reality, our economy belongs to the people of this great nation. The people of our great country work hard and should be rewarded with the fruits of their labor. Government meddling in and overtaking the private sector stifles incentive and American ingenuity is lost.
The Washington elites seem to believe they know how to spend our money better than we do. As a conservative small business owner, I believe that I know how to spend my money better, as well as manage it better, than the federal government.
It is time we take our economy back and put our trust in the hard working Americans who brought our great nation to this point with their skill, their abilities, and their hard work
Allen Taylor says
Nice writing. You are on my RSS reader now so I can read more from you down the road.
Allen Taylor
Tax Guy says
I’ve been active in taxes for lengthier then I care to admit, both on the personal side (all my working lifetime!!) and from a legal viewpoint since satisfying the bar and following tax law. I’ve furnished a lot of advice and rectified a lot of wrongs, and I must say that what you’ve posted makes complete sense. Please continue the good work – the more people know the better they’ll be armed to comprehend with the tax man, and that’s what it’s all about.
Jackie Mathews says
I can’t vote for you because I live in Alabama, but through Huckpac I could help, in some way to support your candidacy. I agree with your platform except for you Tax policy. You may not be educated on the FAIRTAX. My vote, if I could cast it for you, stops at the FAIRTAX. I have been associated with the 14 year movement for the last 6 years. This great continuous job and economic stimulus movement, if made law, would catapult this nation into prosperity. It would also return power to the people.
Besides that, Mike Huckabee, as an unknown, would not be where he is today if not for his association with the FAIRTAX. Although I appreciate and SHARE the Governor’s sincerity and his moral stands, he appeals heavily to me on the pocketbook level. The main reason being the issue of FREEDOM!
If you desire to win this race; May I humbly suggest you embrace the FAIRTAX.