Click on the link above to listen to the radio ad of Governor Huckabee’s endorsement of Rick’s campaign.
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by Crawford4Cong: @GovMikeHuckabee released this radio ad endorsing my campaign. Click to listen to this awesome ad! @HuckPAC…
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gov. Mike Huckabee,, Team Huck Texas, victoria_29, victoria_29 and others. victoria_29 said: RT @Crawford4Cong: @GovMikeHuckabee released ths radio ad endorsing my campaign. Click 2 listen 2 ths awsm ad! @HuckPAC […]
Melinda Odom says
If Rick Crawford is also endorsed by Club for Growth then he will have my vote.
Bobbi Dodge says
Rick, I am so excited about the way things are shaping up for a Republican win in the First District!!! We NEED to get you down here in Crittenden County so the people here can meet you!! Mike Huckabee’s endorsement is GOOD!