From record deficits in our Federal budget to the onerous economic policy being enacted by both Houses of Congress in the form of bailouts to the Federal Reserve devaluing our currency – all this raises a significant question for me. That question is, “Where is the moral compass used by legislators and federal employees when enacting policy and legislation that impacts lives of people both here in the United States and across the world? Where is that compass?
When our forefathers were crafting our Constitution, and even before that with the Declaration of Independence, they based their entire process on seeking guidance from God because they wanted to ensure moral decision making. They also wanted to ensure the process would benefit all Americans and would create a limited government that would provide checks and balances to ensure our Republic would not become what they had fled from in Britain.
What they wrote – the laws and founding precedents — were set forth in our Constitution. And within our Constitution lies a moral compass that all three branches of our government are required to follow. That moral compass continues to offer direction in the articles and amendments of our Constitution. However, it would seem that lately even those time-tested elements of our government have been tossed to the side for both political expediency and gain of those in office.
If our current group of elected officials do not hold to a high standard in everything they do legislatively, what kind of government will we have? What legislators do in Washington requires moral decision making. What they do, with the stroke of the legislative pen, impacts the lives of every single American. That significant impact should compel our leaders to make moral decisions in every case and especially in regard to the costs it will inflict on us, the people.
Our leaders in Washington have a moral obligation to be fiscally responsible in everything they do. Our elected officials in Washington should faithfully adhere to our Constitution. We do not want tyranny from either the legislative branch, nor from our financial systems. These issues plagued our founding fathers and moved them to found our great nation. Our founding fathers had a vision of a country with limited government and the liberty of every American being preserved. They had a vision that put the people ahead of the government. They had a vision where a limited government would be the catalyst to prolonged prosperity and longevity.
It is no mistake that the creation of our Constitution has led to our high standing in the world, and that it has led us to become a shining city on a hill.
Our liberty, our freedom, and our future is being challenged in Washington by legislators who hold no regard for their moral obligation to our nation’s future. And, more importantly, the future of our children and grandchildren is at stake if we stand by and do nothing.
I am a traditional American who believes that you can not spend money you do not have. I am a traditional American who believes what is outlined in our Constitution should be both our moral and legislative compass for what is done in Washington. As your next Representative of the First District, I pledge to every resident that I will reference our Constitution in all that I do with each proposed piece of legislation and will grade the legislation according to the articles and amendments in our Constitution.
Its time to make a change in Washington! Together we can put our country back on track where every American can enjoy what this country is capable of providing – freedom to have prosperous employment, limited government, and the promise of a better future.
Nancy LaFerney says
It is hard to decide which issues are the most important. But I feel the most important place to start is at the bottom. We need strong families to build a great America. We must have strong values. We must protect the most defenseless, our unborn. We need to protect marriage between a man and a woman for life. Only God can do this. I hope you are a praying man. I hope you are seeking the wisdom of God. I have very young grand children I want them to live in a free America. I do not trust Washington. They are forcing things upon us that are taking away our religious freedom and thought. Help!!