The Arkansas Tea Party conducted a straw poll April 15th for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House races. I am proud to announce that voters overwhelmingly supported the agenda that I presented by giving me 81 percent of the total vote (complete results are listed below).
There is indeed a growing sentiment that we can no longer ignore our nation’s mounting fiscal crisis, which is $56.5 trillion and growing by roughly $3 trillion each year. With interest on the national debt soon to be the largest single line item in the entire federal budget, we CANNOT afford to put this off any longer.
I appreciate everyone who gave me his or her vote of confidence. I am excited about the gathering momentum that will enable me to join the band of reformers who will be sent to change Washington in November.
Tea Party Straw Poll Results (1st District)
Name Number of Votes Percentage
Rick Crawford (R) 149 81%
Princella Smith (R) 31 17%
Tim Woolridge (D) 3 2%
Steve Bryles (D) 1 –