I wanted to take a moment and articulate three reasons why I would vote against the healthcare reform bill that will be considered in the House of Representatives Sunday afternoon.
- The United States simply cannot afford to enact a new entitlement program. Our government is currently saddled with a burden of $56.5 trillion in unfunded promises, which is a burden far too heavy for our long-term economic and political stability. Ringing up trillions more in bills that our kids and grandkids will have to repay is unacceptable. Excluding the price for a new entitlement program, our government will have to more than double current tax rates to pay for these unfunded promises. Do we really want to triple tax rates?
- The “reform bill” will do nothing to control cost. Sure the bill provides a few Band-Aids that make a good snake-oil pitch to people who haven’t studied the issue. However, it is mathematically impossible to provide taxpayer-funded healthcare to 30 million people and expect the initiative to “save” money. Interestingly enough, the Congressional Budget Office didn’t point to any provision that would provide meaningful healthcare cost savings. Instead, the bill raises taxes to offset some of the bill’s price tag.
- The bill currently provides taxpayer money to pay for abortions. This is unacceptable. Period. The executive order that President Obama and Speaker Pelosi are offering as a fig leaf to protect pro-life Democrats whom they are pressuring to support the bill is meaningless. An executive order can be rescinded at any time by any president. As I have stated previously, one of Obama’s first acts as president was to rescind several executive orders.
Good points! I would add that this bill is blatantly unconstitutional. This is a sad day in American history and a day that will live in infamy. We have only just begun to fight and one of the first things we must do is elect statesmen like Rick Crawford to Congress.
After tonight, you may need to change the title of this post to “Three Reasons to Repeal the Health Care ‘Reform’ Bill”
Mr. Crawford, I agree with all three of your points. However, I think that you have left out the most critical one. And that is that “ensuring” health care is not the federal government’s job according to the enumerated powers of the Constitution. The decision on health care (or any other law) cannot be based primarily on the cost versus the benefit. First and foremost, we must answer the question: Is this a proper roll of government?
I would love to see what you think about this. I’m in your district, and am looking for a good candidate to support.
Thank you very much!
Mr. Rutherford,
I think our founding fathers understood that a government which grew too large would ultimately become tyrannical over its people. My objective in developing the three points was to communicate this tyranny in a way the average person could understand – their pocket books. Our founding fathers’ foresight and comprehension of the terrible consequences that would befall a nation that empowered a government over the people was tremendous.
The expansion of government, which as you point out the framers of the Constitution sought to prevent, is alarming. Unfortunately, I fear too many people do not appreciate the crisis that confronts us that resulted from veering off into the Constitutional left ditch. In an effort to break through the clutter, my goal is to speak in terms that everyone can understand and relate to. When I tell the average voter who doesn’t follow politics that every man, woman, and child alive in America is on the hook for $184,000 for the debt and promises our government has made and that our government continues to overspend at a rate of $340 million per hour, it gets their attention.
I hope you will join my campaign effort. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to contribute so that we can spread the word. A lot of big money is lining up behind the professional political class that got us in this mess. I need ordinary citizens to join me in sending a loud and clear message to Washington that this has got to STOP!
Rick Crawford
Thank you Mr. Crawford. You have my support. I will spread the word about you to all my friends in district 1.