As I watched last night’s healthcare debate, and the final vote that will enact a new massive entitlement program, I couldn’t help but think about how we got here.Unfortunately, Republicans and Democrats alike have failed us in recent years. Ethical violations, special interest deal-making, and saying one thing while doing another has led to the lowest approval rating of Congress in the modern era.
The primary reason why Republicans were unable to prevent passage of this multi-trillion dollar entitlement program is because they had played the same games when they were in power. Simply put, when you are a two-faced hypocrite, people don’t care what you say.
Folks, we need leadership. We need people who will go to Washington swearing on their life that they will fight the budget and process gimmickry regardless which party seeks to employ it. Country first, party second…period.
Our nation is truly at a crossroad, and I am not sure many have an appreciation for the trouble in which our republic finds itself. Yes we now have $12 trillion in debt that has been piled up by both political parties. Yes our deficit, the yearly shortfall that adds to our total debt, has been averaging more than $1.5 trillion. But what our “leaders” rarely talk about is the $56.5 trillion we have in total unfunded promises.
Add it all up and it equates to $184,000 for every man, woman, and child in America. While anyone with common sense would know that we must stop digging the hole deeper, last night Congress used a nuclear bomb to blast the hole even deeper. And guess who gets to pay for it?
As I pondered this question myself, I realized that what we are doing is quite disturbing. Each generation leaves an inheritance for the next – usually a house, some land, etc. In our case, we are leaving a brand new, 20,000 square-foot multi-level mansion. In the basement, however, is a dirty bomb of unpaid bills that will obliterate our kids and grandkids not long after we have slipped into the by-and-by. While some may draw comparisons to certain spine-less acts of war, it really boils down to the superlative form of Selfishness.
Our elected officials have abandoned the founding principles that made our country great. If we are to return to these principles, and avert devastation for our kids and grandkids, then we must not only vote the self-serving hypocrites out of office in November but replace them with men and women who will swear to restore fiscal discipline.
I couldn’t agree more. A big part of the problem is that the people have lost trust and faith in elected officials. Government BY the people FOR the people is so far from what we see in Washington. We need people to go to Washington; not poitical puppets. I have always voted republican; but swear that I will not vote a party in the future…I will vote for people! People who understand American History, purist constitutional law, checks and balance and fiscal responsibility….I want my children and my grandchildren to experience a FREE, SOVERIEGN, CAPITALISTIC AMERICA… I will only vote for people who have the same vision! GO GET ‘EM MR. CRAWFORD!